Saturday, September 30, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #012 - Bram Stoker Dread Master Diggin' up the Un-Dead

Bram Stoker



SIGNET BOOKS are published in the United States by
The New American Library, Inc.,
1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 190019,
in Canada by The New American Library of Canada Limited,
295 King Street East, Toronto 2, Ontario,
in the United Kingdom by The New English Library Limited,
Barnard's Inn, Holborn, London, E.C. 1, England


10,7 x 17,9 cm, 386p, softcover

On 30 September 2017 I ripped the 386 pages from Bram Stoker Dracula, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #011 - Jack Jones Takes You Down

Jack Jones
Let Me Take You Down

"The Prisoner's Letter" and untitled poem dated August 28, 1991,
© 1992 by Mark David Chapman

If you purchase this book without a cover you should be aware that this
book may have been stolen property and reported as "unsold and
destroyed" to the publisher. In such case neither the author nor the
publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book."


Copyright © by Jack Jones
All rights reserved

Cover design by Jerry Pfeiffer
Cover photograph by AP/Wide World Photos

This Warner Books Edition is published by arrangement with Villiard
Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

Warner Books, Inc.
1271 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

A Time Warner Company

Printed in the United States of America

First Warner Books Printing: April, 1994

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

10,5 x 17,1 cm, 356p, softcover

On 23 September 2017 I ripped the 356 pages from Jack Jones Let Me Take You Down, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #010 - Colin Wilson on the Most Macabre Ritual in the Art

Colin Wilson
Ritual in the Dark

Published by Granada Publishing Limited
in Panther Books 1976
Reprinted 1978

ISBN 0 586 04391 8

First published in Great Britain by
Victor Gollancz Ltd 1960
Copyright © Colin Wilson 1960

Granada Publishing Limited
Frog more, St Albans, Herts AL2 2NF
3 Upper James Street, London W1R 4BP
1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA
117 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
100 Skyway Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9W 3A6
110 Northpark Centre, 2193 Johannesburg, South Africa
CML Centre, Queen & Wyndham, Auckland 1, New Zealand

Made and printed in Great Britain by
Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd
Bungay, Suffolk
Set in Monotype Plantin

This book is sold subject to the condition that it 
shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, 
re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated
without the publisher's prior consent in any 
form of binding or cover other than that in 
which it is published and without a similar 
condition including this condition being imposed
on the subsequent purchaser.

10,5 x 17,7 cm, 418p, softcover

On 22 September 2017 I ripped the 418 pages from Colin Wilson Ritual in the Dark, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #009 - Bernhard Schlink und die Grausamen Liebe zur Kunst

Bernhard Schlink
Der Vorleser

Die Erstausgabe erschien 1995
im Diogenes Verlag
Umschlagillustration: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,
›Nollendorfplatz‹, 1912 (Ausschnitt)
Copyright © by Dr. Wolfgang & Ingeborg
Henze-Ketterer, Wichtrach/Bern

Veröffentlicht als Diogenes Taschenbuch, 1997
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Copyright © 1995
Diogenes Verlag  AG Zürich
ISBN 3 257 22953 4

11,2 x 18,0 cm, 210p, softcover

On 21 September 2017 I ripped the 210 pages from Bernard Schlink Der Vorleser, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #008 - Joseph Conrad's Debt Was Only Paid for in His Death

Joseph Conrad
Lord Jim

Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England
Penguin Books Inc., 7110 Ambassador Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21207, U.S.A.
Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia

First published by J.M. Dent & Sons 1900
Published in Penguin Books 1949
Reprinted 1961, 1962, 1964 (twice), 1965 (three times), 1966,
1968, 1969, 1971 (twice)

This edition 1957 by arrangement with the
Trustees of the Joseph Conrad Estate and
J.M Dent & Sons Ltd

Copyright ©  the Estate of Joseph Conrad 1900

Made and printed in Great Britain
by Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd,
Aylesbury, Bucks
Set in Linotype Granjon

This book is sold subject to the condition
that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise,
be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated
without the publisher's prior consent in any form of
binding or cover other than that in which it is
published and without a similar condition
including this condition being imposed
on the subsequent purchaser

10,5 x 17,7 cm, 322p, softcover

On 19 September 2017 I ripped the 322 pages from Joseph Conrad Lord Jim, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #007 - Susan Atkins Descending Vito Acconci's Endless Ladder to Hell

Susan Atkins
Child of Satan, Child of God

This low-priced Bantam Book
has been completely rest in a type face
designe for easy reading, and was printed
from new plates. It contains the complete
text of the original hard-cover edition.

A Bantam Book | published by arrangement with
Logos International

Logos edition published October 1977
2nd printing – August 1977   3rd printing – November 1977
Doubleday Book Club edition published February 1978
Bantam edition | june 1978

Excerpt from Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt
Gentry copyright © 1974 by Curt Gentry and Vincent Bugliosi.
Used by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Excerpts from the Beatles' songs, "Helter Skelter" and "Sexy
Sadie", by Lennon/McCartney copyright © 1968 Northern
Songs, Ltd. All rights for the USA and Canada controlled by
Maclen Music, Inc., c/o A.T.V. Music Group.

The names of some of the peripheral characters in this auto-
biography have been changed to protect them and others from
harm that might result from their identification. Names of all
central characters are actual.

All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1977 by Logos International.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by
mimeograph or any other means, without permission.
For information address: Logos International,

201 Church Street, Plainfield, N.J. 07060

ISBN 0-553-11472-7

Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada

Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, Inc. Its trade-
mark, consisting of the words "Bantam Books" and the por-
trayal of a bantam, is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam
Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10019.


10,5 x 17,7 cm, 278p, softcover

On 18 September 2017 I ripped the 278 pages from Susan Atkins Child of Satan, Child of God, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole will be filled with precious books from my private library.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #006 - Constructing Your Own Avant Garde Art Installations with HTML Pages on the Internet

David Fox   Troy Downing
HTML Web Publisher's Construction Kit

Publisher • Mitchell Waite
Editor-in-Chief • Charles Drucker
Editorial Director • John Crudo
Managing Director • Dan Scherf
Copy Editor • Hilary Powers
Technical Editor • Miko Matsumura
Production Director • Julianne Ososke
Production Manager • Cecile Kaufman
Production Coordinator • Ingrid Owen
Cover Design • Sestina Quarequio
Designer • Karen Johnston
Illustrations • Kristin Peterson
Production • Michele Cunco

© 1995 by The Waite Group, Inc. ®
Published by Waite Group Press™, 200 Tamal Plaza, Corte Madera, CA 94925

Waite Group Press is distributed to bookstores and book wholesalers by Publishers Group West, Box 8843, Emeryville, CA 94662, 1-800-788-3132 (in California 1-510-658-3453).

All rights reserved. No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, desktop publishing, recording, or otherwise, without permission from the publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be registered trademarks, trademarks, or service marks are listed below. In addition, terms suspected of being registered trademarks, trademarks, or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Waite Group Press cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any registered trademark, trademark, or service mark.

The Waite Group is a registered trademark of The Waite Group, Inc.
Waite Group Press and The Waite Group logo are trademarks of The Waite Group, Inc
All other product names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective owners.

Printed in the United States of America
95  96  97  98  •  10  9  8  7  6   5  4  3  2

Fox, David
HTML Web Publisher's construction kit / David Fox, Try Downing
p.  cm.
Includes index.
ISBN: 1-57169-018-2
1. Hypertext systems. 2. HTML (Document markup language)
I. Downing, Troy. II. Title
QA76.76.H94F69 1995

17,7 x 29,5 cm, 684p, softcover

On 17 September 2017 I ripped the 684 pages from David Fox   Try Downing HTML Web Publisher's Construction Kit, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole will be filled with precious books from my private library.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #005 - Marshall Kilduff and Ron Javers Remember the Past to not Repeat it

Marshall Kilduff and Ron Javers
The Suicide Cult
The Inside Story of the Peoples Temple
Sect and the Massacre in Guyana

A Bantam Book / December 1978

All rights reserved
Copyright © 1978 by the San Fransisco Chronicle.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by
mimeograph or any other means, without permission.
For information address: Bantam Books, Inc.

ISBN 0-553-12920-1

Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada

Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, Inc. Its trade-
mark, consisting of the words "Bantam Books" and the por-
trayal of a bantam, is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam
Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10019.


10,8 x 17,7 cm, 210p, softcover

On 15 September 2017 I ripped the 210 pages from Marshall Kilduff and Ron Javers The Suicide Cult, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole will be filled with precious books from my private library.

Rippin' for Gordon - #004 - Lev Tolstoi and the Difficulty to Say what is Meant by Art

Lev Tolstoi
Wat is Kunst?

Deze uitgave kwam mede tot stand dankzij
een gift van de Stichting Hermann & Hannelore Grünberg
De vertaler ontving voor deze vertaling een werkbeurs
van het Nederlands Letterenfonds

Oorspronkelijke titel Chto takoe iskvsstvo

Copyright vertaling © 2013 Hans Boland /
Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep,
Singel 262, 1016 AC Amsterdam
Copyright voorwoord © Arnon Grunberg

Omslag Loudmouth
Binnenwerk Hannie Pijnappels

ISBN 978 90 253 0214 6 / NUR 640

12,4 x 20,0 cm, 234p, softcover

On 15 September 2017 I ripped the 234 pages from Lev Tolstoi Wat is Kunst?, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole will be filled with precious books from my private library.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #003 - ICC 1970 – 1977 - Laat Varen Alle Hoop, Gij die hier Binnentreedt

ICC 1970 - 1977
Een Dokumentaire Overzichtstentoonstelling

I.C.C. JUNI 1970 - JUNI 1977

I.C.C. JUIN 1970 - JUIN 1977

I.C.C. JUNE 1970 - JUNE 1977

I.C.C. JUNI 1970 - JUNI 1977

Redactie : Lieve De Deyne

© I.C.C., Meir 50, 2000 Antwerpen
Ministerie van Nederlandse Cultuur

Wettelijk Depot : D/1977/1540/13

design by Paul Ibou

20,9 x 29,5 cm, 178p, softcover

On 12 September 2017 I ripped the 178 pages from ICC 1979 - 1977 Een Dokumentaire Overzichtstentoonsteling, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole will be filled with precious books from my private library.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #002 - John Fowles Going Down, Down, Deeper and Down

John Fowles
The Collector





Published by
Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
750 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017
Copyright © 1963, by John Fowles
Dell ® TM 681510, Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
All rights reserved
Reprinted by arrangement with Little, Brown
and Company, Boston, Massachusetts

Que fors aux ne le sot rien nee

First Dell printing – July, 1964
Second Dell printing – November, 1964
Third Dell printing – May, 1965

Printed in U.S.A.

10,6 x 18,1 cm, 258p, softcover

On 11 September 2017 I ripped the 258 pages from John FowlesThe Collector, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole will be filled with precious books from my private library.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Rippin' for Gordon - #001 - Joseph Kosuth Died for Somebody's Sins but not Mine

Joseph Kosuth

Internationaal Cultureel Centrum

Uitgegeven door I.C.C., Meir 50, B-2000 Antwerpen, België
Samenstelling en realisatie: F. Bex, J.P. Coenen, J. Debbaut,
Vertalingen: J. Vercruysse,
Traductions: G. Roque, S. Pahaut,
Ontwerp: F. Michiels,
Druk: G.B.S., Brugge,
Wettelijk depot: D/1976/1540/2

14,6 x 20,5 cm, 162p, softcover

On 9 September 2017 I ripped the 162 pages from Joseph Kosuth's Teksten/Textes, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of today the Hole will be filled with precious books from my private library.