Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #059 - E.J. Hobsbawm Komt Tot de Conclusie Dat Bandieten Wel Revolutionair Zijn

E.J. Hobsbawm

© 1973 by Wetenschappelijke Uitgeverij bv, Amsterdam
Vertaling: mr. R. Germeraad
Omslag: Alje Olthof G V N

De sentimentele bandiet: Bandiet van de Apennijnen
(1824), schilderij van sir Charles Eastlake (1793-1865),
voorzitter van de Royal Academy.

ISBN 90 214 2760 5

12,5 x 20,0 cm, 182p, softcover

On 31 January 2018 I ripped the 182 pages from E.J. Hobsbawm Bandieten, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #058 - Daphne du Maurier Dreamt She Went to Gordon, Dan and Vito

Daphne du Maurier

Arrow Books Limited
20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 25A

An imprint of the Random Century Group

London Melbourne Sydney Auckland
Johannesburg and agencies throughout
the world

First published in Great Britain in 1938 by
Victor Gollancz Ltd.

Arrow edition 1992

3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4

The right of Daphne du Maurier to be identified as
the author of this work has been asserted by her in
accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act, 1988

This book is sold subject to the condition that it 
shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, 
re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the 
publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or 
cover other than that in which it is published and 
without a similar condition including this condition 
being imposed on the subsequent purchaser

Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading, Berkshire

ISBN 0 09 986600 5

11,0 x 17,7 cm, 402p, softcover

On 29 January 2018 I ripped the 402 pages from Daphne du Maurier Rebecca, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #057 - Ed and Lorraine Warren Underwent a Terrifying Transformation from Quiet Neighbourhood Artist to Frenzied, Savage Beast

Ed and Lorraine Warren

NOTE: If you purchased this book without a cover you
should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was
reported as 'unsold and destroyed' to the publisher, and
neither the author nor the publisher has received any
payment for this 'stripped book'.


Copyright © 1991 by Ed and Lorraine Warren and Bill Ramsey
with Robert David Chase.

Back cover photograph courtesy John Cleave/Syndication

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or repro-
duced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles
or reviews. For information address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth
Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-21767

ISBN: 0-312-92864-5

Printed in the United States of America

St. Martin's Press hardcover edition/October 1991

St. Martin's Paperbacks edition/October 1992

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

10,6 x 17,1 cm, 230p, softcover

On 28 January 2018 I ripped the 230 pages from Ed and Lorraine Warren Werewolf, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Rippin' for Gordon - #056 - dr. B. Goudzwaard Noodzaakt Artistieke Hoop in een Bezeten Wereld

dr. B. Goudzwaard
Genoodzaakt Goed te Wezen

© Uitgeversmaatschappij J. H. Kok - Kampen, 1981
Omslagontwerp: Henk Dokter
ISBN 90 242 2302 4

12,1 x 21,0 cm, 114p, softcover

On 28 January 2018 I ripped the 114 pages from dr. B. Goudzwaard Genoodzaakt Goed te Wezen, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #055 - Georges Simenon Se Trompe dans l'Œuvre de Gordon Matta-Clark

Georges Simenon
Maigret Se Trompe


Copyright © 1953 by Georges Simenon

Tous droits de reproduction, de traduction et d'adapta-
tion réservés pour tous pays, y compris l'U. R. S. S.

11,4 x 16,7 cm, 226p, softcover

On 27 January 2018 I ripped the 226 pages from Georges Simenon Maigret Se Trompe, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Rippin' for Gordon - #054 - Hunter S. Thompson Guiding a Phalanx of Roaring Motorcycles Down Dan Flavin's Slanted Row of Fluorescent Light Tubes

Hunter S. Thompson
Hell's Angels


Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England
Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA
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Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England

First published in the USA by Random House 1966
Published in Great Britain by Penguin Books 1967

Copyright © Hunter S. Thompson, 1966, 1967
All rights reserved

Printed in England by Caeys Ltd, St Ives plc
Set in 10.75/12pt Monotype Bembo

Except in the United States of America, this book is sold subject 
to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, 
re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's 
prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in 
which it is published and without a similar condition including this 
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ISBN-13: 978-0-140-28555-0

Penguin Books is committed to a sustainable future
for our business, our readers and our planet.
The book in your hands is made from paper
certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

11,0 x 18,0 cm, 328p, softcover

On 27 January 2018 I ripped the 328 pages from Hunter S. Thompson Hell's Angels, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Rippin' for Gordon - #053 - Gérard D'Houville ne Cherchait pas le Nom du Séducteur

Gérard D'Houville
Le Séducteur





18-20, rue du Saint-Gothard, 18-20

18,1 x 22,5 cm, 130p, softcover

On 27 January 2018 I ripped the 130 pages from Gérard D'Houville Le Séducteur, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #052 - Slavoj Žižek en het Tolerante Multiculturele Doelpunt in de Artistieke Diepte

Slavoj Žižek

Oorspronkelijk verschenen in New Left Review van
september/oktober 1997 onder de titel 'Multiculturalism,
Or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism';
de auteur maakte voor Boom een grondige bewerking
van deze tekst, die in 1998 voor het eerst verscheen in
de reeks Boom Essay.

© Uitgeverij Boom, Amsterdam 2011

Behoudens de in of krachtens de Auteurswet van 1912
gestelde uitzonderingen mag niets uit deze uitgave worden
verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd 
gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of
op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch door
fotokopieën, opnamen of enig andere manier, zonder
voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever.
Voor zover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is
toegestaan op grond van artikelen 16h t/m 16m Auteurswet
1912 jo. besluit van 27 november 2002, Stb 575, dient men de
daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoeding te voldoen aan
de Stichting Reprorecht te Hoofddorp (postbus 3060, 2130 KB, of contact op te nemen met de uitgever
voor het treffen van een rechtstreekse regeling in de zin
van art. 161, vijfde lid, Auteurswet 1912. Voor het overnemen
van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers
en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16, Auteurswet 1912)
kan men zich wenden tot de Stichting PRO (Stichting Publicatie-
en Reproductierechten, postbus 3060, 2130 KB Hoofddorp,

No part of this book may be reproduced in any way whatsoever
without the written permission of the publisher.

Verzorging omslag & binnenwerk
René van der Vooren, Amsterdam

ISBN 978 94 6105 2315 | NUR 730

11,1 x 18,0 cm, 114p, softcover

On 22 January 2018 I ripped the 114 pages from Slavoj Žižek Intolerantie, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #051 - Corpo Fast Forward Forgotten

Corpo Fast Forward

Este livro é publicado por ocasião do Porto 2001, Capital Europeia da Cultura
This book is published as a cellebration of Porto 2001, European Capital of Culture

Concepção de Projecto _ Concept
Paulo Cunha e Silva
Porto 2001 - Área do Pensamento, Ciênca, Literatura, Projectos Transversais e articulação com Roterdão
Porto 2001 - Thought, Science, Literature and Collateral projects and articulation with Roterdam

Direcção, edição e produção _ Direction, edition and production
Dinis Guarda

Coordenação e edição _ Co-ordination and edition
João Urbano

Direcção Artistica, Videostills e imagem
Art Director, Videostills and image

Co-Coordenação ciênca _ Science co-ordination
Paulo Urbano

[RE] size* _ Sofia Gonçalves * Carlos Abreu

Traduções _ Translations
Margarida Bessa
Lidia Vaz
Paulo Pereira (francês-Português _ french-portuguese)

Colaboração em folio visual especial
Special collaboration with visual folio
Paulo Henrique

Revisões _ Proofreading
João Fagundes
Rafael Dioniso
Pedro Marques

Publicado por _ Published by
NUMEROMAGAZINE: fast forward
da Associação e editora _ association and editorial house
ÓPIO - arte e cultura
R. Pinheiro Chagas nº 28, 1º dto
1050-178 Lisboa
tel. 21 314 39 73
fax. 21 315 98 09

Pré-Impressão _ Pre-printed by

Impressão - Printed by
Heska portuguesa

ISBN 972-97705-4-9

Impresso em Portugal _ Printed in Portugal

21,0 x 20,9 cm, 304p, softcover

On 21 January 2018 I ripped the 304 pages from Corpo Fast Forward, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #050 - John Dunning Chronicles Some of the Most Bizarre Art Projects of Recent Times

John Dunning
Deadly Deviates

Arrow Books Limited
62-65 Chandos Place, London WC2N 4NW

An imprint of Century Hutchinson Limited

London Melbourne Sydney Auckland
Johannesburg and agencies throughout
the world

Firt published 1986

© John Dunning 1986

This book is sold subject to the condition that it 
shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, 
resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without 
the publisher's prior consent in any form of 
binding or cover other than that in which it is 
published and without a similar condition 
including this condition being imposed on the 
subsequent purchaser.

Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Anchor Brendon Limited, Tiptree, Essex

ISBN 0 09 945280

11,0 x 17,8 cm, 296p, softcover

On 20 January 2018 I ripped the 296 pages from John Dunning Deadly Deviates, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Rippin' for Gordon - #049 - Pierre Bourdieu and Hans Haacke Exchanging Real Relations on 1,3 x 1,3m

Pierre Bourdieu - Hans Haacke

Ce livre a été réalisé à l'initiative de la Fondation de France
dans le cadre des débats et des recherches qu'elle organise
sur la nature des transformations culturelles actuelles et sur
les manières appropriées d'y faire face.

Les propos de Hans Haacke ont été traduits de l'anglais
par Xacier Douroux.
Le texte « Gondola! Gondola! » a été traduit de l'allemand
par Catherine Métais-Bürhendt.

ISBN : 2-02-021380-X

© Éditions du Seuil / les presses du réel, janvier 1994,
pour le texte de l'entretien, pour « C'est trop beau »
de Pierre Bourdieu, et pour la composition du volume.
© Hans Haacke, janvier 1994, pour « Gondola! Gondola! »,
ainsi que pour les photographies et les commentaires
qui les accompagnent.

Le Code de la propriété intellectuelle interdit les copies ou reproductions
destinées à une utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction
intégrale ou partielle par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans le
consentement de l'auteur ou des ayants cause, est illicite et constitue une
contrefaçon sanctionée par les articles 425 et suivants du Code pénal.

14,8 x 21,0 cm, 154p, softcover

On 15 January 2018 I ripped the 154 pages from Pierre Bourdieu - Hans Haacke Libre-Échange, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.