Este livro é publicado por ocasião do Porto 2001, Capital Europeia da Cultura
This book is published as a cellebration of Porto 2001, European Capital of Culture
Concepção de Projecto _ Concept
Paulo Cunha e Silva
Porto 2001 - Área do Pensamento, Ciênca, Literatura, Projectos Transversais e articulação com Roterdão
Porto 2001 - Thought, Science, Literature and Collateral projects and articulation with Roterdam
Direcção, edição e produção _ Direction, edition and production
Dinis Guarda
Coordenação e edição _ Co-ordination and edition
João Urbano
Direcção Artistica, Videostills e imagem
Art Director, Videostills and image
Co-Coordenação ciênca _ Science co-ordination
Paulo Urbano
[RE] size* _ Sofia Gonçalves * Carlos Abreu
Traduções _ Translations
Margarida Bessa
Lidia Vaz
Paulo Pereira (francês-Português _ french-portuguese)
Colaboração em folio visual especial
Special collaboration with visual folio
Paulo Henrique
Revisões _ Proofreading
João Fagundes
Rafael Dioniso
Pedro Marques
Publicado por _ Published by
NUMEROMAGAZINE: fast forward
da Associação e editora _ association and editorial house
ÓPIO - arte e cultura
R. Pinheiro Chagas nº 28, 1º dto
1050-178 Lisboa
tel. 21 314 39 73
fax. 21 315 98 09
Pré-Impressão _ Pre-printed by
Impressão - Printed by
Heska portuguesa
ISBN 972-97705-4-9
Impresso em Portugal _ Printed in Portugal
21,0 x 20,9 cm, 304p, softcover
On 21 January 2018 I ripped the 304 pages from Corpo Fast Forward, tore them in half and threw them in the Hole I've been Diggin' for Gordon in a basement at an undisclosed location in Antwerpen since 20 February 2006.
The title refers to Gordon Matta-Clark whose last and major work ‘Office Baroque’ in Antwerpen I illegally visited at the start of my career as an artist. The performance/installation evolved into a ‘mash-up’ with ingredients from the works of various avantgarde artists from the 70’s. For instance a slant row of florescent lights inspired by Dan Flavin takes care of lightning and an endless ladder as imagined by Vito Acconci makes it possible to get in and out of the hole. The work was made visible through a number of side actions and performances where I used some of the dirt I had been digging up. Most of the dirt was used to fill up James Lee Byars' tomb.
As of 9 September 2017 the Hole is filled with precious books from my private library.
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