Sunday, November 29, 2009

2030 War Zone Amsterdam

A collection of news clips found on various TV-channels during a workshopweek with artists from several countries from present, past or future war situations. Curator of the project was Brigitte van der Sande.

In order of appearance:
- Katja van Driel (German)
- David Burrows
- Hwayeon Nam
- Sawsan Bou Khaled
- Didem Özbek
- Nesrine Khodr
- Diego Rotman
- Miran Mohar
as the reporters,

- Danny Devos
- Sawsan Bou Khaled
as the kidnappers,

- Brigitte van der Sande
as herself.

This movie was presented at the Kick-off 2030 War Zone Amsterdam event at Mediamatic, Amsterdam, on 28 november 2009.
More info:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dringend Gezochte Bastardisten

Deze affiche van 60x84cm werd recent aangeplakt in diverse grenskantoren, politiekazernes, banken, treinstations en overheidsinstellingen van België.

This 60x84cm poster was recently seen in various border control offices, police departments, banks, train stations and public service departments throughout Belgium.